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Monday, November 23, 2009

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ^^ thanks for actually staying on my blog, tolerating my inconsistent postings. The AFA this year, was held at Suntec City Convention Halls 403-404. IT WAS AWEEEEESOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEEE . For all those of you who missed it, make sure you dont miss it again next year! Its seriously awesome. Calling all otakus : (people who are like anime/manga freaks) COME AND COSPLAY ALONG WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS ^^ I plan on going as the vocaloids, and I dont really mind cross-dressing cause I wanna go as KAAAAAAAAIIIITOOOOOOOO <3>.> haha anyway it was fun... I didnt smile in any of the pics :DD playing Kanda, im supposed to be irritated 24/7 ^^ I think im gonna read manga now ... Repost tmrw , if I remember :33333333 CYAS ALL ~ THANKS FOR PAIENTLY WAITING !!

Btw, there was this dude on Saturday WHO LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE KAITO <3 and was so hot I fell in love with him ~~ Now I heart Kanda AND Kaito :DDDDDD I'm so cosplaying as either of them next!

6:55 AM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bored ... Wanna edit codes, but nothing to edit ): perhaps I should get a new blogskin ... ABOUT YU KANDA <3 yeah, so relinked Dion, refound the joy in playing and using Facebook, bleh. My iTunes has gotten boring ... Just updated it. LOL left this post undone from 9:25... its now WOW 12:07 .__. did this facebook quiz, and I got " I am a freaky cutie with a hot boyfriend who shot a jew because I'm good in bed " ._____. posting more tmrw ~

5:23 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meh ... Just finished reading Dy's blog, (pronounced as DEE!!) and its like ...... .................. SOOOOOOO sad , emo (as in emotional) and dark. Who knew a mum could be so ... mean ? She pinches a kid and the scar is left there for a week. Not even a scar, bruise. Worse, right ? Seriously man. My mum never did that sort of thing, though I used to disobey her... ALOT . Still do X: yeah, Im the sort who never listen to their parents, and like to disobey ): wish it was the other way around, that I could just listen to my mum ... I dont know why, but sometimes I just find her very irritating, when she asks simple things like, go and brush your teeth and sleep ))))))): could be stress, since I've got that alot recently... But a mum to discourage you to make music ?? What sort of mum IS THAT ? Music helps creativity, creativity helps you in the real world, (as in job-wise) and in the real world, all people usually care about is making money . And climbing the ladder. etc.


On a completely different subject matter that probably will make me seem so ... self-centered, I GOT SUNBURNT , AGAAAAAAAAIINN ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm now as red as a lobster, and as brown as Cadbury's chocolate. Can't cringe, cause it'll set off a deadly chain reaction, I'll keep cringing at the pain that the original cringe brought, so its never-ending ... etc .

Dad chasing me off to bed ): blog more tmrw, and I'll cover the past few days

6:10 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just finished watching Ginban Kaleidoscope T_T ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD !!!!!!!!!!!! The series only has 12 episodes, SO GO AND WATCH IT ! Its funny and really really really nice ... You can find it on http://www.anilinkz.com/ginban-kaleidoscope/ginban-kaleidoscope-episode-1/ SEE , IM SO NICE TO ACTUALLY TYPE OUT THE ENTIRE LINK ~ ah well . So sad T_T ah well. Kenny and Nicole and bobo know about it :DDD so it must be good ... Its basically about this figure skater (girl), Sakurano Tazusa, 16, who get possessed by a 16-year-old Canadian ghost (when he died) by the name of Pete Pumps who hates tomatoes (Tazusa later uses it as a weapon against him to shut him up, since he cant read her thoughts and the only way to communicate was by speech and when she tries to "talk" to him, it usually ends up with her shouting and everyone looking at her as though she's nuts) and died in a plane crash, and has a huge thing for aeroplanes, since he was a stunt pilot. Somehow , he crashed when Tazusa fell during one of her jumps, and I think thats what knocked her unconcious ... At first, she refused to believe that there was no way of getting Pete out of her body, and tried all sorts of ridiculous methods to try to get him out . Pete was sent back to Earth cause God said that his sins have held him back, and shall spend 100 days with Tazusa. Along the way, it reveals both their sad pasts and a possible connection between why Pete happened to possess Tazusa. Shall I spoil the ending for you ? :333333333333 If no, stop reading right here. If yes, look down

In the end, she confesses her love for him, just as he was recalled to heaven, after spending 100 days with Tazusa. Pete said that his final stunt was his best and most spectacular, so when it came down to the day of the Olympics, which also happened to be the day that Pete was called to heaven, Tazusa and Pete, surprisingly, plans out her routine completely differently from her usual one, and for the short program (the one that is pre-planned which need to include certain moves), she acted like a lazy and impatient waitress, just wanting the day to end. It pleases the crowd immensely. Then for the free program (I suppose you can do whatever you want), she dedicates the dance to Pete, as though its his last stunt, all over again. He said that he actually felt the manoevers that she performed, not only the speed and grace, and also felt like he was flying a plane again. Unfortunately, she gets 4th in the Olympics, instead of first or second that was predicted ... sad , I know, but fate is cruel ><

I recommend this for people who are like me :D its a romance comedy (not much of romance though ^^) , drama and sports. Its really really really really really really really really awesome ! Though I cried in the end XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: but honestly, watch it. It would take at most ... (if you skip all the openings and endings) ... 4hours or so ... ?
Ok , now, gonna ponder over what to watch next .__." suggestions are helpful, though no Gundam, FMA, Naruto or Bleach, or Skip Beat. As mentioned before, maybe Rurouni Kenshin . HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5:35 AM

Hey all :DDDDDDDDD I know I've not been blogging much ... if not, at all. Sorry about that D: been busy ... exams just ended (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ~!!) and our last day of school was spent running around in circles going through the funfair stalls :3 it was AWESOME !!! Sorta . Anyway, I'm thinking of changing my blog skin, but I shant until i find a blog skin about Yu Kanda which I like :PPP so, please wait and be patient ^^ training has resumed , (sadly ...) and tomorrow is our PFT ==" personal fitness test ... .................................. I'm gonna die ... Stamina is like the lowest in the team ... damn .... watching Ginban Kaleidoscope (anime, please dont read the manga even if you can find it. It sucks . really really really really badly) 12 episodes only, and now I dont know what to watch after this ): thinking of Rurouni Kenshin ... but bobo says its better to read it )))))): OH YEAH I KEEP FORGETTING TO WATCH D.GRAY-MAN ><><>< apparently the most recent one was awesome ................................. T_T ppl , pray for me and hope I dont die during training . I SERIOUSLY got the lowest stamina ... no jokes . Coach is gonna kill me... T_T dont give me an army burial cause it just means leaving me on the field -.-""

Joy's niggling again ... Gonna go back to watching Ginban Kaleidoscope :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

byyyyyesssssss <3

btw , joy's nuts and finally got a tagboard (after a million gazillion billion years ???)

2:25 AM


Write about yourself here
And here
And here (;0


1.write what you love
3. (:


Add tagboard here (:




July 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009


zero one two three four


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon