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Monday, December 28, 2009

whoops I just realised I havent put everything else in ..... hehe :D NIGHTS !

6:54 AM

Hey all :D I realised I havent blogged in ages . Oops ?

Today was the first guild outing (that I went to)! It was F . U . N . It was pretty much mainly about talking crap, getting lost, and bitching about pink xD which I'm surprised no one actually knows his name ... His real name, that is. He's a total gay lah. What people say about him are almost true, Dylan, Dion's bro (falcon964 ` kyosinzzz) said that pink was not what you imagined and totally looked not like what he does online, and Cephas said that he looked 180 degrees from what you can actually imagine him. I agree with both of them :D

It sorta felt weird that I was the only girl there, but being a tomboy I actually fitted in ...
I arrived 15mins before the scheduled time, at 12:45 but them being guys, were all late... Pink came from school, Dylan and Dion came from Jurong East, Clement and Cephas came from Sengkang. About pink . We specifically told him that it was for him, as its his birthday (happy birthday btw) and part guild outing. He still brought his 2 friends along -.- and from what everyone else says, for the past 2 outings he always brought his friends along . And always playing his PSP. Which Dion was addicted to, too. (his own lah) talk about a bastard. Later on, when we all finally met up and they realised I was xxKiSEiKi (pink took no notice at first! HMPH !!!!) , we set off for lunch. But while waiting for Cephas and Clement to come, his 2 friends walked off first, and he wanted to follow them, but we held him back and told him never to leave our sight. After we all FINALLY met up, he phoned his friends and we set off on this wild goose chase looking for his friends. They were up in some bookstore, which I cant remember what its called. Then, at the bookstore, (the journey there was horrible ! he just kept walking and left us behind) he told us that we would split up, then meet for the movie after lunch. So, we left. As instructed. We went down to the foodcourt, as it was about the only inexpensive place there was at Ion . I bought BEEF KUAYTIAO ! It was damn nice, but I couldnt finish it ): For some reason, I was really full ... We obviously talked alot before starting to eat, and all of us found out that Cephas, being 16, couldnt turn on a tap while Dion being 12 proved him wrong that the tap wasnt working ;D

After lunch we decided to walk up to the bookstore to see if pink was still there. Someone called his phone when we were at the 1st floor (the foodcourt is at B4) and then we were told he was still at the foodcourt, the very one we just left -.- crap right ? Thats not so bad, cause the foodcourt is big and well, we never expected him to eat there. So we went to Lido.

At Lido, when we were met with this stupidly long line, we tossed a coin to see what movie we were watching. It came out as Avatar. Then we called pink and he said that he was bailing -.-

Avatar didnt have good seats, so we went for Planet 51 instead, cause it had better seats. I can tell you that its not worth wasting $6 on !!! TOTALLY USELESS . No morale, no good storyline, but its just nice. And rather retarded ... :D When we came out of the movie, guess what? Pink wasnt answering his phone, and he was in the cinemas -.- he told us ALL that he was watching Avatar. What were we going to do with his bloody gift?

In the end when we split ( we roamed around for a while, doing random things in shops ) and all appeared in the same mrt xD so, just before dhoby gaut, I stuffed the hat and card into the plastic bag and threw it at Dylan and Dion (I SWEAR ITS CEP'S IDEA !) yeah I think they were pretty pissed xD I admit, I would have been ... Then we told pink his present was with them...

Then I came home late :D wasnt killed, thankfully, cause my parents werent home either :D

Kay, blogged enough. Gotta go sleep and GOT THIS BLOODY CHINESE BOOK TO READ AND REVIEW ON BY TMR 830 and I'm sleepy T_T wish me luck ):


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6:33 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

DAMMIT BLOGGER'S SCREWED . it keeps cutting off my previous post !

9:34 PM

Sorry >< flu ="="">< Kor's following her to the hospital tomorrow, and I've got training. Thinking of visiting her after I shower. Luckily the hospital is like a 10min walk away ... We live near SGH, Singapore General Hospital. and the Blood Center (whatever it's called), and the Dental, and the Health Sciences Authority, and alot of other buildings ... I'm not going to upload my Thai trip photos, but I may upload AFA :D it rocks . Still . Hope there's an AFA'10 in SINGAPORE !! Okay, gonna stop blogging . I'm still bored ): CYAS ~

9:21 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ^^ thanks for actually staying on my blog, tolerating my inconsistent postings. The AFA this year, was held at Suntec City Convention Halls 403-404. IT WAS AWEEEEESOOOOOOOOMEEEEEEEEE . For all those of you who missed it, make sure you dont miss it again next year! Its seriously awesome. Calling all otakus : (people who are like anime/manga freaks) COME AND COSPLAY ALONG WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS ^^ I plan on going as the vocaloids, and I dont really mind cross-dressing cause I wanna go as KAAAAAAAAIIIITOOOOOOOO <3>.> haha anyway it was fun... I didnt smile in any of the pics :DD playing Kanda, im supposed to be irritated 24/7 ^^ I think im gonna read manga now ... Repost tmrw , if I remember :33333333 CYAS ALL ~ THANKS FOR PAIENTLY WAITING !!

Btw, there was this dude on Saturday WHO LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE KAITO <3 and was so hot I fell in love with him ~~ Now I heart Kanda AND Kaito :DDDDDD I'm so cosplaying as either of them next!

6:55 AM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bored ... Wanna edit codes, but nothing to edit ): perhaps I should get a new blogskin ... ABOUT YU KANDA <3 yeah, so relinked Dion, refound the joy in playing and using Facebook, bleh. My iTunes has gotten boring ... Just updated it. LOL left this post undone from 9:25... its now WOW 12:07 .__. did this facebook quiz, and I got " I am a freaky cutie with a hot boyfriend who shot a jew because I'm good in bed " ._____. posting more tmrw ~

5:23 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meh ... Just finished reading Dy's blog, (pronounced as DEE!!) and its like ...... .................. SOOOOOOO sad , emo (as in emotional) and dark. Who knew a mum could be so ... mean ? She pinches a kid and the scar is left there for a week. Not even a scar, bruise. Worse, right ? Seriously man. My mum never did that sort of thing, though I used to disobey her... ALOT . Still do X: yeah, Im the sort who never listen to their parents, and like to disobey ): wish it was the other way around, that I could just listen to my mum ... I dont know why, but sometimes I just find her very irritating, when she asks simple things like, go and brush your teeth and sleep ))))))): could be stress, since I've got that alot recently... But a mum to discourage you to make music ?? What sort of mum IS THAT ? Music helps creativity, creativity helps you in the real world, (as in job-wise) and in the real world, all people usually care about is making money . And climbing the ladder. etc.


On a completely different subject matter that probably will make me seem so ... self-centered, I GOT SUNBURNT , AGAAAAAAAAIINN ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm now as red as a lobster, and as brown as Cadbury's chocolate. Can't cringe, cause it'll set off a deadly chain reaction, I'll keep cringing at the pain that the original cringe brought, so its never-ending ... etc .

Dad chasing me off to bed ): blog more tmrw, and I'll cover the past few days

6:10 AM


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And here (;0


1.write what you love
3. (:


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July 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009


zero one two three four


Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission

Innocence lost through another’s plan
Innocence no longer for another man

Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near

Innocence taken from a little girl’s heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart

Innocence disappears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it’s begun

Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon